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MARIO (19)

MARIO (19)

“The purpose of this report is to present the many features that make of ALBION a well-known and appreciated academy in Castellón, to comment my personal experience and to explain what has been done to make it stand out from the crowd.

First of all, ALBION’s methodology consists of theoretical lessons, where all areas of English are covered: writing, reading and listening; combined with practical ones, where pupils get to discuss a wide range of topics with a native speaker.


With more than two decades of experience, ALBION has successfully achieved an effective working philosophy, a strong sense of community among its staff and students, which leads to excellent results not just when going overseas or in school, but also in the so-demanded official examinations the academy prepares its pupils for with the most suitable materials, such as Trinity College or Cambridge exams. I’ve personally taken many of these and I must point out how well ALBION’s teachers trained me for them.

Moreover, groups being composed by a reduced amount of people also plays an essential role in the development of the language, as it helps students to enhance their level by leaps and bounds.

In addition, one of the many ALBION’s strengths is the personalized attention to its customers, offering individual or group lessons with both, the proper level for each person and a timetable that fits their schedule.

However, it’s not just the language ALBION focuses on, but also the culture of  the United Kingdom. Consequently, students are offered the possibility of traveling to such country in order to immerse themselves even deeper in the English society.

In the light of the above points, I truly believe ALBION is a worthy place to learn English and I would undoubtedly recommend it to anyone willing to experience a real evolution in the control of the language.”